Questioning Authority: Q&A with Leading Authorities for Entrepreneurial Excellence

The Science of Potential: Limitless Possibilities with Vic Manzo Jr

Scott Vatcher Episode 15

Have you ever wondered how subconscious conditioning shapes your reality? Join us in this enlightening episode of "Questioning Authority" as we chat with Vic Manzo Jr., an expert in quantum physics, consciousness, and neuroscience. Vic shares insights from his book "Decoding the Matrix" and explains how understanding these hidden patterns can help us break free from personal limitations. This deep dive into the intersection of science and personal development is accompanied by surprising tidbits about Vic's love for cooking and his mastery of sourdough and cast iron pans.

True fulfillment might be closer than you think. I share my personal journey of rapid business growth, only to find myself feeling empty despite financial success. This pivotal moment led me to realign my focus towards pediatric chiropractic care, driven by the alarming statistics of chronic illness in children. Vic and I discuss how aligning with universal laws and understanding quantum physics and neuroscience can redefine our notions of success and happiness. We challenge the misconception that happiness is tied to achieving specific milestones and offer a fresh perspective on what it means to live a truly fulfilling life.

Imagine a world where your thoughts and emotions shape your reality. We explore the transformative power of imagination, energy, and frequency in manifesting your desired life. Vic introduces the concept of the Matrix as a collective cloud of experiences and how it influences our lives. By understanding and managing our emotional states, we can better navigate life's challenges and unlock our true potential. Listen in for practical tips and profound insights that can help you harness the power of your mind to create the life you want. Plus, stay tuned for the next episode where we continue to question and challenge authoritative perspectives.


Becoming aware of our subconscious programs and conditioning can help us overcome limitations and take control of our lives.
Success and external achievements do not always lead to fulfillment; aligning our values and focusing on our true purpose is key.
Our focus and energy shape our reality; by choosing where to put our attention, we can manifest our desires.
The matrix refers to the collective consciousness and conditioning that influences our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
The science of potential is rooted in quantum physics and neuroscience, showing that our potential is limitless and shaped by our focus and energy. We are limitless and can accomplish anything we set our minds to
Maintaining focus and avoiding distractions is crucial
Breathwork can help reset the mind and stay centered
Imagination and emotions are powerful tools for creating the life we desire
We get to choose our own reality and beliefs
Trust the process and have faith in ourselves


00:00 Introduction and Overview
06:09 Vic Manzo's Secret Authority
06:37 Burnout and the Pursuit of Success
10:58 The Science of Potential
16:13 Decoding the Matrix
21:35 Breaking Barriers and Reversing the Clock
22:32 The Power of Focus and Breath Work
23:31 Overcoming Distractions and Maintaining Focus
24:29 Choosing Your Reality and Beliefs
26:23 Navigating the Ups and Downs of Entrepreneurship
27:50 Creating Your Own Rules and Beliefs
30:30 Imagination and Designing Your Life
31:56 Tapping into the Heart and Using Emotions
34:43 The Power of Choice and Asking 'Why'
38:07 Diving Deeper with the Mindful Experiment Podcast
38:29 Decoding the Matrix and Quantum Abundance Course
39:24 Trusting the Process and Trusting Yourself
40:56 QnA_Outro_with_audio.mp4

Speaker 1:

I'm Scott Vatcher, the host of Questioning Authority, where I question authority figures about health, wealth and relationships. This episode is brought to you by TheAuthorityCocom, helping health professionals be seen as the go-to authority in their community. I hope you enjoy this episode. Welcome to Questioning Authority. I'm your host, scott Vatcher, and I'm here to question authority figures in health, business and relationships to help you, the listener, grow as an authority figure in both your business and in your life. And my special guest today and authority figure is Vic Manzo Jr. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thanks for having me on, brother. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

I'm super excited You've got a book out. Well, you've got a few books out, but the one that I want to dive deep into is called Decoding the Matrix. It dives into quantum physics, consciousness, neuroscience all words that I love to pretend that I know what I'm talking about. So that's why I got an authority figure like Vic on to dive deep into these topics to help you to basically skim away at this thing called the matrix, which we're going to get into to achieve and grow the life that you want. So for people who have, you know, clicked on this podcast and said why, why would I spend the next 30 to 40 minutes listening to this podcast? What is it that you can sort of summarize as to what you're going to bring to the table here? So people like, yes, this is what I want to hear.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, you know. Imagine, imagine that you have this thing called your subconscious mind and it basically runs on automatic program and there is conditionings that come in that we had growing up and how we become who we are, and what you'll get out of this is that you're going to understand and become more aware of what those programs are, because those are the blocks, those are the limits. When you hit a wall in life or you're hitting, seeing a constant pattern and a struggle and you don't know why you're doing everything you've been told or everything that you possibly can think and imagine, you'll get to the root of it and know how to disperse that away, to take more control of your life and really lead the life that you want to have sounds like a good half hour to me.

Speaker 1:

I love it. So yeah, like I mentioned, diving into quantum physics and neuroscience and things is stuff that I love to do and it really sets you apart with having written a fantastic book about it that I was able to read up on in the last few days, so we're going to dive deep into that. But what listeners like to do as well is sort of know you as a person. So we're an authority figure in a lot of things around business and life. What's a secret authority that you have in your life? Something that maybe most people don't know about, something that you're really interested in, love to do but has absolutely nothing to do with quantum physics or neuroscience?

Speaker 2:

You know I was thinking about that because it's like I share a lot of things in my life, is what I enjoy and knowledge and all that. But I was really thinking then one of the things that I have, a huge. I have a couple passions in this. That is totally has nothing to do with quantum Quantum physics is everything. So you can, we can figure out how to pull that in. Nothing to do with quantum Quantum physics is everything, so we can figure out how to pull that in. But I know where we're going with this.

Speaker 2:

Cooking is something that I have a passion to do. I've been cooking since I was six years old. I grew up in a very I'm a first generation Italian and it's just growing up in that culture into the Chicagoland area. It was like I grew up a lot of cooks, great people who knew how to cook really well and always was around it and that's a huge, huge. I do talk a little bit about that in my out there, but not as much.

Speaker 2:

But sourdough cast iron pans is another thing I love, you know, love taking care of them and the whole thing. I mean I've been. I love how mine still has this beautiful black sleekness to it. I can go all into that, but anywho, those are probably two things. You know, sourdough breads is a huge thing I love. I love eating them. I a little little side note on that when my wife makes them, because I got her hooked on making them. Now we'll devour a loaf in a day. I mean it's just, but it's okay, got good probiotics and I feel good afterwards so I don't mind. But yeah, that's uh, I would say uh, cooking, um, sourdough bread is kind of like that's a little bit of baking. And then, uh, knowledge and utilizing cast irons, refish, finishing cast irons. You know, sometimes I like to get some that are um, as long as I know they're from a good source, that are originally made.

Speaker 1:

um, love cleaning them up and uh, getting them back to looking brand new again, because again totally off topic here, but uh, my cast iron at the inside the part that you put your food on the cooking looks beautiful. It's got this. I think it looks beautiful. Anyway, I don't know much about, to be honest, but it's got this beautiful, nice sheen. It's like I feel like I don't even want to wash it. I just want to kind of get the food out without putting the chemicals, the soap and that in there. But the outside is rusted and as soon as it dries it's all rusty on the outside. Does that cause any problems?

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, if it's on the outside, you're not cooking it from the inside, right. But you can fix that. You just put a little oil on it and like sometimes, uh, every once in a while you gotta, you could just put the oil all around the pan and then just put it in the oven at like I know you guys are, you guys do celsius, right, so I don't even know what that'll be, but like 450 degrees fahrenheit, um, depending what oil you use, but you do that for like an hour and they'll seal that back up nice and black again nice see an authority figure in so many areas.

Speaker 1:

I love you know so many people have the knowledge out there that you just don't have, and so that's the fun part about joining up with people from around the world. So again, thanks for being on the show. Let's get into, you know, the nitty gritty of why we're here, and as I started reading your book Decoding the Matrix, a very, very common theme popped up straight away I feel is a very under-talked about scenario for healthcare professionals and service-based providers, and that's burnout. You mentioned that right at the beginning of your book. Let's dive into that a little bit.

Speaker 1:

You said you know you very quickly, within the first five years of being a business owner, become what most people would be considered super successful, and most of us think that when we reach this pinnacle of success, that we're going to be happy. Life is just going to be amazing. There's nothing goes wrong from that point. It's all about making it. And then so many of us realize that we get there and it's not what we thought, and I think that's where people get the burnout. So what happened? What was your story?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I had a coach that was a phenomenal coach, helped me, taught me business. But one of the things I realized is that when I got to that five-year we started growing the practice and it really started to take off, especially in two years. I think we grew like we tripled in two years and six X our profits and I was just like this is awesome. But the huge but on that was is I thought I would. I found emptiness, I found a lack of fulfillment and you know, you hear all about it in the chiropractic world numbers, you know patient visits per week or this or that, or even just in the coaching business world in general. Right, like you know, seven, six figure, seven figure business I'm a two, this and all the terms that come up. And I was just like, oh man, I want to get to that level, imagine this and be in that life and whatnot. And then you get to a certain level or you're at that level and it's one of the things I was just like. I looked at my wife and I said I'm not happy, like if this is what it is that I have to, I don't feel fulfilled. I'm not saying I'm struggling, but mentally it was just like I wasn't running my life like I wanted it to, like my practice to be a representation. I really looked at my life and said, if I was on my deathbed and I look back at how I'm running my practice, am I really making the mark that I want to make for humanity or I feel like I'm playing a better, a bigger play in the game? And I wasn't. And I looked and I just said, if this is how the struggle is for business and I got to do this, I don't want to. I don't want to be in the chiropractic profession anymore. I'll go do something else. I have no problem, I'll leave it and that's it. But I started asking the bigger questions, like the one if I, when I was on my deathbed, and I said, well, I need to change up, I need to stop listening to all the gurus at this point in my life.

Speaker 2:

For the last five, six years, I was reading 80 to 120 books a year. I listened to no music, I listened to podcasts, I was listening to videos, I was taking courses, I was just nonstop downloading information and it was one of the things where you know you got to read 80 to a hundred. You know what is the most successful CEOs read 60 books a year. All these, these, these rules that we get you know shared, and we'll talk a little bit more about what that is. That is, and I was just like you know what. Forget all this stuff. I'm just going to go to what I know and I'm going to stick to what really matters.

Speaker 2:

So I've honed in on what really mattered to me and I realized I wanted to get into pediatrics for kids. And because I saw I remember seeing a stat that said you know, 2017, it was 53% of kids were have chronic illness in the United States and I was like 53, that's high. I'm like no, this got this got to be got to be fabricated in some way. So I go looking and I went to look at all the data and I go this is not okay. The kids are our future. I already knew about neuroscience and subconscious mind programming and all this stuff. I was like if kids are coming out into the world and they're being stuck in sympathetic dominance or stress and this is going to get wired into their nervous system, this isn't just going to affect their health, this is going to affect every fabric of their life. It's going to affect humanity.

Speaker 2:

I told my wife I'm like I think I know what I want to do. I'm going to get into PEDS. She's like how are we going to do this? You're going to make this transition. I said I don't know we. She was my marketing front desk, ran the whole office. She was the boss in both areas of my life personal and professional.

Speaker 2:

But long story short, it was that point where I knew I had to follow what really mattered to me and I had to look at my values and start aligning them better and really focusing on vision and all these other things and forget the noise, what I call the matrix in some sense. And it was one of those things. When I started to do that, things just took off Like no. I say this very transparently and honestly. There's no BS or fluff to this. I mean literally. We went from 5% PEDS to 48% patient volume in six months. We didn't do no marketing. One workshop that got two patients, so two kiddos in our office. That was not even near the close of the growth of that and that was my aha moment. I was like you don't have to work that hard, you don't have to do that. There's universal laws that support all this stuff, and that's kind of where my journey went in that process.

Speaker 1:

So when you had the quote unquote success let's go back to that a little bit. So you had the success, you had the big practice, you doubled and tripled and you know, six, 600% revenue, whatever, whatever those numbers were that a lot of people who are listening to this now would go oh my God, if I could do that, I would absolutely be fulfilled. I would absolutely be fulfilled. So when it happened, when you did get there and I'm sure I'm putting some thoughts in your head now, but you probably thought the same thing when I get there, I'll be happy. And I think that's something that we all fall into the trap of of when we get to this certain thing, or when we have this certain thing, when we achieve this, we will be happy. And so I really want to dive into the quantum physics and neuroscience behind this, because what is it about that? Why is it that we feel like this thing will get us to this level of fulfillment and then we get to the thing and it doesn't provide that fulfillment?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there's a principle called the be-do-have model and this will align to the neuroscience and quantum physics and I'll pull it all together. But it's that element that you see something like. I did that all the time. I was like man, if I made this much money holy cow, that's how much it is per month. I was just playing the numbers on my head and I'm like, oh, I can invest, I can buy this, I can do this, we can do that, it was just. And then you're there and you're just like, okay, I'm not happy, I'm not fulfilled.

Speaker 2:

Because here's the thing you ask anybody that's really successful, and if they give you a straight up, honest answer, they'll tell you don't worry about what you have to do, just learn who you have to become. And the becoming aspect is, if we go from a quantum physics perspective, everything is energy, so everything has a vibration to it. It has a certain frequency to that and we know this because when you shift just a thought, it actually can change and alter matter. We know this. It's been proven in quantum physics and the neuroscience that work together to prove that. And so when you understand that there is also the element of being successful, happy, whatever that is there's. All these things have been broken down, it's been decoded in a way and put in a specific, very logical way we can understand. And so when we're thinking we have to have something in order to do and then be that person that's backwards to everything, against nature we always become.

Speaker 2:

First, because you have to apply universal laws, if anybody's sharing those two. Everybody knows the thing called law of attraction, but there's another law underneath that first, which is called the law of vibration, and it's whatever you only experience in your life, what you're vibrating at. So, if you are a person that's being happy and fulfilled and knows I'm talking about not having things, it's all about this energy of emotions. You know, like I said, my practice drastically shifted when we did that because I focused on that. So, when you can be this person every single day, and every single day you can, you can align that vibration. You're putting it out there into the world, the universe, the field, whatever you want to call it, and you keep putting it out there and you just keep staying centered to that. Well, all of a sudden, law of cause and effect is going to kick in. You're going to start to attract that feeling more of and the beautiful thing we're talking about this.

Speaker 2:

Before we came out right, I said like God, you know, make a plan. God laughs at you. It's like because when you think you know what's best for you, that is the big. You don't. You have such a limited mind and can't see everything. You only can see only a minute. I mean we're talking minuscule tones. Statistically it's not even, it's not even significant. But but when you let go of that and you just focus on this vibe, then all of a sudden you will attract more of what's going to bring that fulfillment, and it did.

Speaker 2:

I mean I started dictating everything in my life of what I wanted from that moment, because I started to break down all these rules that I had or these things that I set up. So that's the basis of it. When we look at from quantum physics, looking at it from an energy standpoint, that is the frequency. When you can do that, then all of a sudden everything will align and come. If it's money that you really value, deep down, then you're going to see more of that or it's going to be more time with your family.

Speaker 2:

For me it was all about what's the minimal amount of work I can do to get the greatest gain possible, and so that was important for me. And when I did make my changes in my practice and all that, I started to go no, this is how I want to live my life, this is how I want to practice, so I can spend more time with my family. I'm doing my love here, but my work is not my legacy, it's not my purpose. My family is and making that shift and so forth, and understanding that, yeah, I had to go through some difficult choices and times to get there, but I kept coming back to that being element of this is who I am and this is who I'm being, and everything else is going to take care of itself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like the saying. I think it was Mike Tyson who said everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face. And life not only can but will punch you in the face over and over and over again. You in the face, over and over and over again. So now you've written this book called Decoding the Matrix, and as soon as I hear that I go yes, because I love the movie the Matrix. So tell me, when you talk about the Matrix, are you literally talking about like red pill, blue pill kind of stuff? And yeah, tell me about what you define the matrix as yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you know, when we look at, if you think of the matrix, the matrix overall is like this big cloud. You upload everything to a cloud. We call it the human collective consciousness is another name for it and so, basically, what it is is the average of every single human being's frequency that gets uploaded into the cloud, and it creates this human experience. Now, there is there is an interesting part to this, because that is what that vibration is, what dictates overall humanity's experience of life and what we're here, and so forth. That being said, though, when we look at the matrix, the overall, it has a conditioning effect. So it breaks down from the world to, goes into countries, goes into states, goes into cities, gets into family structures. It breaks all the way down to the individual. We're all playing in this thing, and where it gets interesting about the matrix is that it influences us in a lot of ways. As I was sharing my story, oh, there's a matrix of the business world and what's the ways to become successful? Right, there's a conditioning there, and so that's an influence, that's a vibrational field, and this is why, because of that energy, of where it is, this is the output of that. It's just like when I always tell people when people can go and they see the problems of the world and they're just shouting it through the world, pushing out social media, going on all this other stuff. And I always say change who you are. And that influences all that eventually, because if we could change the vibration, then it changes the output of what we're going to see in the world. And so the matrix overall it conditioned us in some way, shape or form and it has an influence on us. And once you become aware of it and once you realize the conditioning and how it works on you, that's like the red pill because you can never not stop seeing it anymore. And now all of a sudden you'll be like ah, that's the program right there, I see that program. Oh, I see this program here.

Speaker 2:

But what's interesting is you can either choose like oh, I like this, I'm going to go that route. Or you choose for yourself. And the whole purpose of the book is when you decode it. It's really getting down to what really matters for you in life, because the more we can get the individual and I'll get a little spiritual here too, but it's like the more we can get that light to shine that soul to be expressed, or X, y, z coming out. That's a higher vibe. In other words, then the more that you'll influence others to do the same, and that's how we uplift humanity and shift where we are now, or all the doom and gloom that everybody's that's kind of pushing out there in some ways, and how we can shift all that and have a whole different experience and whole different reality and you talk a lot in the book there's a whole chapter dedicated to the science of potential.

Speaker 1:

so if you have you now, you now understand a little bit more about the matrix and that there is more choice than possibly you thought before. And then, if potential is possibility, right, it's this sort of elusive thing out there. How do you define potential when we look at it through a scientific point of view? Like some people listening here will be totally on board with what you're saying and others are kind of like well, that sounds a bit woo-woo. Like how do I create this in the real world? Like how do I use this stuff? That when you dive deep into quantum physics you get to realize this is real stuff, but when you hear it from the surface level you go I don't really understand what that means. How do I make this what I want it to be and where I want to be in my life? So back to the original question how do you define potential in a scientific way?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So let's look at, let's use quantum physics, because if there's people who are kind of on that fence or this sounds woo-woo, I like to bridge that gap with it. So they did a study back. It was in the 30s, and then they redid it again in the 70s with lasers, and so there's something called the double slit experiment, and what this was is I won't bore you with all the details, you can Google this and look it up on YouTube. They have great visuals for this but what they were trying to figure out is if they put photons through a certain slit two slits they should act in a certain way. And so they figured out and said if it goes right through like this, it should just shoot straight onto the sensors and we'll pick it up and see the pattern. So they did that. So when they got everything, when they did the experiment, they were getting it ready they did it and it acted just like they expected.

Speaker 2:

Here's the interesting part they left the machine on, they didn't look. They would look away, not paying attention, and all of a sudden it would show up in a wave pattern. The photons acted on their own and shifted. And so what does that all mean? So when you have a wave pattern that's infinite potential, infinite possibilities, it's endless. It's the universal catalog. You choose what you want, whatever that is, if it's experience, life, whatever you want, it's infinite. Once you put your focus to where you want, like the quote says, wherever energy goes, I'm sorry, wherever your attention goes, energy goes. Yeah, energy goes manifestation is going to grow.

Speaker 2:

Energy flows. There's so many different quotes on that, right, but wherever you put your focus is where you, the creator, is putting your energy towards something. And so now you're honing in and focusing on something and you're going to that's. Whatever you're focusing on is what you're going to give energy to, which is going to give life to. That's quantum physics in a nutshell, when we're looking at it from that study. And so what that means is then, when we look at potential, it's endless. And we even know from a neuroscience. You look at the limitations of a human, they go what's the limits that a human can do? It's endless, pretty much. I mean we're even breaking barriers right now. They say in 20 years from now, longevity experts are saying that we can reverse the clock. I mean that's kind of crazy when you think about it, but there's no limits to what we can accomplish and what we can do, unless we allow. Again, coming back to the matrix, I had his name, I was thinking of him this morning, the guy who ran the four-minute mile.

Speaker 1:

I forget his name.

Speaker 2:

But that guy okay, that guy right. So many people because it was conditioned in human psyche or in the human collective said you cannot, the human body cannot exceed it. Experts came out and said, nope, it will never happen. Right, they all said these things. But that crazy guy, he broke the four minute mile.

Speaker 2:

I think now there's been over like 20,000 high schoolers who have done it, and when you think about that that is when we look at potential. It's it's it's knowing and understanding that you literally can choose what it ever is you want to experience. When you understand energy and you understand that whatever you're giving your attention to is what's going to expand. Whatever you are allowing for your time to give to that, that's what's going to expand in every shape of the way. The only reason why that's the work that you want to talk about, like the grind and hustle, that is the grind and hustle is making sure you maintain that focus, because that's really where the work is. That's all you need to focus on, and everything else will take care of itself along the way.

Speaker 1:

Which brings me to as soon as you said that it's perfect sense around. That's where the real work starts. You know, step one is realizing that there is a matrix and we can do something different. The word that comes to my mind around the idea of where the real work starts is distraction, and how quickly we can then fall back into the matrix. And when we realize that we have, once we've figured out the matrix, we've taken the red pill, we're doing the thing, and then, all of a sudden, instagram pops up oh, blue pill. Facebook ding, another blue pill. How do we get more red pills? How do we? I don't know if red or blue is the right word, but you matrix fans out there you'll know if I got it right or not.

Speaker 2:

No, you did Red pills. Red pills, that whole reality of new. You know, it's one of the things where we have to recenter the mind and it's a lot easier to say that than anything. But one of the things I teach my own clients, I teach my patients this the power of the breath. The power of the breath resets us Neurologically, it resets your brain. I mean there's something in the back, near the midbrain, called the breath pacemaker. Literally, just the whole job is just pay attention to the rest, the repetitions of the breath, and when you can slow it down, that's how we can influence our autonomic nervous system. And when we can do that, it allows our brain and consciousness now to get to the higher levels, our cortex in other words rather than reptilian or mammalian you know sometimes that mammalian can create that. Oh, this is what happened in the past. This is look what's showing up now. Here we go Right. Rare or the reptilian is just pure survival. Instead, it can get us to be in that more humanness of who we are. But when you can do breathwork and I can get into many different types I can talk about all that stuff, but at the end of the day it worked. The simplicity of breath work is. It works. You can choose whatever you want. That works for you.

Speaker 2:

For me, sometimes it's just taking one minute of some nice deep, slow breaths. That's it. That's what I'll normally do, and it kind of just helps me reset, it helps me get refocused. I'm not going to say it's going to be the magic here, not like you know, say sometimes, you know, you go on Facebook and this was a big thing for me early on and I used to compare myself and say, oh man, I know this guy, look how good he is, he's killing it, he's doing awesome. I'm not even there and I started self-judging myself, putting myself in a hole and all these other stinking thinking that I like to talk about. But then I realized that I just had to.

Speaker 2:

Again, when it comes to the focus I'm focusing on, lack is why I'm getting upset, and so instead I would go back and I would take a deep breath, reset my energy, reset, replay everything. We were talking about that a little bit earlier and came to the point and I'd be like, okay, what is it? Excuse me, it would be. What is it that I'm appreciating right now? What is it that I have in my life that I can say I appreciate, because the more you focus on what you appreciate that's why gratitude works the more you can expand and grow on that. So I'm a huge fan of breathwork in all its capacity, because it's simple to do, it's free, it takes no more than a minute to really reset that nervous system a little bit and allow you to recenter your mind, so then you can shift your focus back.

Speaker 2:

Let's face it as entrepreneurs there's gonna be things that trigger you. I know, for me it has. In my life. I heard a quote one time it said you, I know, for me it has in my life. I heard a quote one time it said um, the entrepreneurial life.

Speaker 2:

33% of the time you're on your X, you're in a static mood, you're happy, everything's going great. Excuse me, 33% of the time it's uh, you're just, you're just there, like the energy's not up or down, it's just there. And then, 33% of times you're just, you're freaking, out't great, you're upset, you may not be feeling great and I was like that sounds about right, and she's the lady's talking about how that needs to be in that, like that's a good, uh, that's kind of the average. But I was like you know, we can handle the dark, those lower moments. It's just breathing and you can sit through it more and you can see. You know you are, you are. This is helping you get to a certain level because it's going to happen. We're going to hit walls all the time and nobody has a perfect. It's against quantum physics to do that. It's against a lot of principles. But yeah, I'm hoping that answers the question.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and for me, I hear that and I go, oh, on my entrepreneurial journey so far, people are like, if I've got 33% in the ecstatic stage, I can't wait to experience some of that. I know what you mean. I've been in the middle and the lower half more than the upper half, but it is all a journey and one of the things you talk about that I believe will sort of concrete this for people is this idea of rules, yes, this idea that we have a series of rules, but in reality, the only rules are the ones you make up for yourself 100%.

Speaker 2:

I mean you think about it. One thing I always challenge for all the listeners. I challenge you when you hear something, or you say something in your mind or it's a thought, and if it sounds like, oh, this is how it should be or this is what it is or this is what you have to do, like those words come up, ask questions who created that? Who taught me that? Or who created that? Who says that to be true? And understand, as I shared from that experiment in quantum physics, you get to dictate how you want to have an experience. You know you get to choose. I mean, everyone says you're the author of your life and all those things. Yes, it's all true. Quantum physics has really shown that now. But at the same token, it's coming down to you literally, choose what it is you want to experience and you make that a reality and you get to choose your rules. And those are your rules. Just for the listeners, if you're wondering what that is, it's beliefs. What do you choose to believe in for your life? What do you want to believe to be true? Forget the noise, forget all your conditioning. Reset your mind. I always tell this to my clients. Reset your mind back to a three four-year-old, because when you look at a three four-year-old, they know life better than most any adult, unless the adult is living that life, because what it is is, if you look at them, they're at the highest peak, neurologically, neurodeveloping, for imagination. The other thing is they only do what they love. They go and play and they go by what they enjoy. They don't think and say I'm doing this tea party for the 577th time. No, they go and they enjoy the experience of it. You know, and it's getting into that aspect, if you want that to me, I always say that is the perfect element of life, because then when you can get to that point, that's true happiness.

Speaker 2:

Those are the gurus. When you see someone in their 90s and they have eyes like a six-year-old or in their 80s, I don't know if you ever met someone like that. I have I met a good couple handful, and I'm like I'm memorized. And have I met a good couple handful, and I'm like I'm memorized and I just in my head it's a visualization I use Like that will be me when I'm at their age, that kid-like energy is just expressed. It's there and I'm living it every single day, as much as I possibly can. And so there's no rules that you again, from a quantum physics perspective, you choose your reality and what you want to experience From a neuroscience perspective, you're always going to see.

Speaker 2:

Well, we won't get into that. That might divert us away. But long story short, it's going to be always that Whatever you're going to choose, you put your energy into, that is what it is. Whatever you dictate to be true for you, that's what it's going to be and it's just. It's just, that's just. I don't make the rules or the laws, I just Just study them. It's kind of like chiropractic with the body, right, we don't make up the rules to how the body works or the nervous system, it's just hey, we're going to work with this, this is how it is, this is how it works and we're just going to help support it.

Speaker 1:

Look at those 33 principles and how do we help support them?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, I've heard somewhere along the way and I would love to be able to give somebody credit for it is this idea of raising the bar that your beliefs run your actions and actions create your reality. And the way I like to look at it is you know, when things are going well in life, great, keep it that way. It's going well. You really want to explore your beliefs around the things that aren't going so well in life, whatever that may be for you, and diving deep into those.

Speaker 1:

What do I believe about money, business relationships, whatever that case may be, and exploring that further so that you can see if there's a limiting or just a plain old wrong belief. We pick these things up everywhere, like you said, that three four-year-old picks something up and then all of a sudden it's a new belief for them, when in reality, that wasn't really true. It's just what they created, the stories that we create behind that. So how do we you know what's a simple way to look at creating the experiences in life that we desire. So maybe, from a practical point of view, somebody's listening to this and they're like buying into it a little bit, like, okay, all right, I do, I can look at my beliefs and I can change my story and I can be fulfilled. How do we experience the life we desire?

Speaker 2:

It's real simple. It's something that we're not. We're always taught, you know, in this day and age we're always focusing on the mind, but it's they keep it real simple. It's tapping back into the heart and what that means is this the world and universe, everything is communicated through energy and energy is emotions. So when you it's honing in on that life that you want to have, that's going to bring a certain feeling for you, and then what you do and this is Dr Joel Dispenza is the first to come out to really get it out into the world.

Speaker 2:

This stuff's been around for thousands upon thousands of years. From my studying I've seen it, but he's the one that has brought it out into the world the most, which I'm very happy for. But it's tapping into that vision. Because here's the thing when I said a three, four-year-old, one of the things I mentioned was imagination. That is the most powerful tool. Einstein said it's more powerful. Imagination is way more powerful than knowledge will ever be. I'm paraphrasing his quote. But it's one of the things that when you can step into imagining your life and what you want it to be and play it in your head like a movie and you just keep seeing it, but bring it here into the present. And that's what the feeling does, because it brings it into your body. You bring it to the present by feeling that excitement. You bring it into what and not about like, well, if I had this and I get excited, no, no, no, no, no, man, I'm going to be able to do this and I'm excited just to be in that moment to do that. Or I'm going to be this person what do I look like? I would say, what's that future self of you? And then how do they act and all these different things, how they move, all that and how do you feel in that moment. And then take that energy and bring it here.

Speaker 2:

If you can just master that, you change the trajectory on any aspect of your life because you're using the most powerful tool, which is imagination. And with imagination, there's energy behind that, with emotions, and when you start to do that again, what we shared earlier about law of attraction, all these different things, you're starting to utilize these principles to now, all of a sudden, bring that here in the present. Because here's the beautiful thing about the mind it time travels. Our body doesn't, but the mind time travels. And the thing about the mind is. It doesn't know the difference between what you put in it and what is here in the physical reality. It doesn't know the difference.

Speaker 2:

If you have anxiety, that's full proof. If you get angry, then you're stuck in the past. Anxiety is the future. Danger, frustration, resentment, all those things. So you can move that in your body, you feel it, the neuropeptides that get created, you feel those emotions of that kind of stuff firing and so forth. When it happens, it's not a reality, it's not here in the moment, but yet you're feeling that you're having it like that is. So why not? We understand that from a negative side, but why don't we use it for the positive? It works the exact same way and it helps with your health. It helps with your overall wellbeing. It'll help in every aspect of your life, and you can choose this not just in business. You can choose this not just in money. You can choose this in relationships your health.

Speaker 1:

X, y, z, it's universal Really comes back to that simple premise that you do have, doesn't it? And when you use imagination and you can think of imagination as what a four-year-old does. But sometimes it's hard what do I actually want? Who do I actually want to be? Yet you've got to be creative, you've got to have a good imagination. So I think that's a really important point to make is looking at it through imagination and just getting back to that four-year-old self and going, okay, what did that kid want out of life? Not even what did they want, but who were they being?

Speaker 2:

what were, not even what did they want, but who were they being? Yeah, it's, it's, it's and it's, it's hard to do. Uh, but you, you brought up a great thing about like what do you want? That's like it's the hard. When I ask, when I ask future potential clients or just clients in general, like what do you really want? And they're like, uh, uh, and then what happens? You hear all the matrix coming out. You know it's like oh, I want to have this and this and this, I want to have the next car, I want to have the big house. Why is the big house important? Well, because and I hammer and keep going, and it's like I always tell people I use kids a lot. So five-year-old stage is always that four or five is like why, why, why, why, why, right. So I say use that. To you.

Speaker 2:

When you say you really want something, keep asking yourself why that is, until all you can respond is the exact same answer when it's like I just choose it Because I don't know, I just choose it. You know, it's like vanilla or chocolate. Well, I want chocolate. Why? Because I don't like vanilla. No, no, no, no, no, that's not choosing. I choose vanilla because I choose vanilla. Why do you choose vanilla? I don't know. I just choose vanilla. Why, I don't know. I have no reasoning, I just like I choose vanilla, I like vanilla, I know, that's why I choose it. And that is when you're coming from that place and there's no. What was I going with that Discrepancy Anyhow? But yeah, so you just choose. In that essence, supposed to sum up something I don't know, but anyway, I apologize, it was really about choice and the question of why?

Speaker 1:

right, because, yeah, um, I know there's. There's a dude you might have heard of him toyota the guy who the japanese dude who created toyota, and he came up with this system of the five y's and it's a system around where, for him, it was about creating better efficiency for cars and getting more cars out of the lot or along that conveyor belt that cars go on, and narrowing down like why is this? And they'd answer and they go well, why is that? And answer again. And so I think it's a great way to really get to the nitty gritty of things is keep asking yourself why. I'd probably recommend even writing it down too, because you, if you're in the matrix man, you get a ding oh, there's another blue pill, what was I saying about the thing? Yeah, let's write those whys down and get down to that nitty gritty. And I think that's one of the many ways inside inside your book that you go into that. And so I really feel like we've created a scratch on the surface of what you dive deep into in your books. I highly recommend anyone who's wanting to dive deeper go get that book.

Speaker 1:

You also have a great podcast out. It's top 1% in the world. You've been doing it forever. 400 or 500 episodes now, my mind goes. When it goes that many episodes, it's just brilliant. What's your podcast called that? People can check you out as well.

Speaker 1:

It's called the Mindful Experiment. You can hear it anywhere where podcasts are played at, and I can only assume, with this decoding the matrix being your most recent book, that it's probably been a lot of distilled information from what you've learned over the years, with probably hundreds of interviews and study decoded down into this book yes, 100% my friend.

Speaker 1:

And then you've got a great offer for people listening as well. You've got your Quantum Abundance six-week online course. So, again, reading a book is one thing, but taking the action is such a huge step further forward. So, you know, if you're if you're wanting to just dive a bit deeper into the informational side of things, get the book. But if you really want to create life change, if you really want to make a difference and get out of this matrix, take that red pill, check out this course. It'll all be in the show notes and you know, it would be amazing to have Vic as a coach to get you to where you want to be. So you know, thank you for being on the show. I feel like we just scratched the surface. We will probably get you back again to dive deeper into topics as we get further along. But again, thanks for being on the show. It's been a fantastic learning. Is there anything you'd like to say? It's been a fantastic learning, is there?

Speaker 2:

anything you'd like to say, I appreciate it. Brother, thanks for having me on too. Last note thing I could share is just trust the process. The hardest thing is just get out of the way. Let things just do what it needs to do. Nature, universe, let it just take its course. It's going to work. We tell this to patients. Right, what happens? Just get out, just get adjusted and let your body do its thing. It's going to take care of itself. It's, it's designed to do that and the same thing with life.

Speaker 2:

We are an essence and so a lot of times we get in the way with fear and worry and reacting instead of responding and just trusting. And the real thing. Trust the process. That means you don't trust yourself and that's you know. You trust yourself, you trust the process and everything else takes care of itself. And if you don't want to believe me, at the end of the day, just look at your life in the past and see how things in those dark moments, how they all worked out and you saw there was a bigger plan and a bigger picture for you. Because anyone that I ever interviewed on my own podcast people I've talked to friends, my own story. When you look back in that past. You're like how the heck is this all working out? That is so great, I can never even thought of that, and so trust that process.

Speaker 1:

Completely agree. When I'm stuck in the middle of things, in the thick of it, I always go either trust the process or it'll work out. It will all work out in the end. It might not look like I thought it was going to look, but it's all going to work out in the end. So great, great closing comments there. Thank you so much and we'll catch you again soon. Thanks for listening to this episode of Questioning Authority. I hope you enjoyed the show. Stay tuned for the next one coming out soon. This episode has been brought to you by the Authority Co. Helping service providers increase authority and revenue. Check out theauthoritycocom for more info.