Questioning Authority: Q&A with Leading Authorities for Entrepreneurial Excellence

Defining Authority in the Context of the Podcast with Scott Vatcher

Scott Vatcher Episode 1

Embark on a journey of discovery with me, Scott Vatcher, as I invite you to challenge the status quo in our premiere episode of Questioning Authority. Prepare to be empowered as we unravel the vital connection between personal well-being and professional triumph. My passion for podcasting is reignited with vibrant tales from my past ventures, the Wake Up Dad Show and Raw Chiro, coupled with the fresh vision for my latest enterprise, theauthoritycocom. We're setting the foundations for a series that promises to be a treasure trove for small business owners hungry to become influential figures within their industries. Join the ranks of ethical persuaders as we navigate the nuanced dance of health, wealth, and relationships, and witness how mastering this trifecta can elevate your business beyond the conventional benchmarks of success.

Stay tuned for a succession of episodes designed to spark a transformation in your mindset, as we share the floor with trailblazers and delve into introspective solo monologues. Your role as an active participant is crucial—through engaging quizzes and vibrant social media dialogue, we're fostering a thriving community eager to expand their horizons. Together, we will explore the strategies that enable service providers to bolster their authority and amplify their revenue streams. This is more than just a listening experience; it's an invitation to join a movement of leaders challenging what it means to have influence in the modern world. Thank you for stepping into this arena with us, where questioning authority paves the way for uncharted paths of business and personal growth.

Scott Vatcher:

I'm Scott Vatcher, the host of Questioning Authority, where I question authority figures about health, wealth and relationships. This episode is brought to you by TheAuthorityCo. com, helping health professionals be seen as the go-to authority in their community. I hope you enjoy this episode. Welcome to the Questioning Authority Podcast, episode number one. I'm super excited that you're here listening to me right now. We live in such a fascinating time in history, don't we? Isn't it crazy? I can sit here in my little office with some tech gadgetry and the internet and I can accompany you on your walk, your drive to work or your workout, or you know wherever else you're listening from. Thank you so much. If you're listening right now, then you're either at the beginning of the journey this being episode number one and, I hope, moving forward, I can continue to provide you with exceptional value moving forward or you've been listening for a while now and you've made your way all the way backwards to this episode number one, and for that I'm even more thankful. You'll likely be able to see that I've improved much since the beginning, which is this episode right here, from wherever you started, or at least I hope that I have improved as time has gone on.

Scott Vatcher:

So what is this podcast all about. Well, as you know, it's called Questioning Authority and I question authority figures in health, business and relationships. My target market is health professionals, entrepreneurs and small service-based business owners who want to grow their authority and succeed in business and in life, and by succeed I mean be happy and fulfilled. Success can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. My definition of authority for the purpose of this podcast is that an authority is someone who is an expert and an influencer in some topic or knowledge. Typically, if we have a small business, we're an expert in something. That's why we ended up having a small business, because we became an expert in something. And then, in addition to that, in today's world of marketing and social media, we need to influence others. You know, we need to figure out a way to get in front of them and persuade them ethically that what we do is of benefit to them. We all want to grow our business and most small businesses have the same challenges, that's whether you're a health professional, a tradesperson or a service-based business of any sort. I want to dive deep into the unique challenges of being a small business owner, the reason I decided to focus on health, business and relationships instead of just business is because everyone who runs a service-based business is, first and foremost, a person and that most business problems are really people. Problems in disguise, problems in disguise. If we don't sort out our own health and relationships, how can we ever think that we're going to create a successful business?

Scott Vatcher:

Now, the reason why I decided to start this podcast is twofold. One, I love podcasting. I've hosted two other podcasts in the past, a few years ago now. One was called Wake Up Dad Show and one was called Raw Chiro. Wake Up Dad Show focused on all the unique challenges of being a dad, and Raw Cairo was just about how great chiropractic was, and I loved the process of podcasting. I loved doing the monologues when I did podcasts on my own and I loved the interview side of things, getting to know new people and learn new things. So that's one of the reasons why I decided to start this podcast, because it's been a few years since I've done any podcasting.

Scott Vatcher:

Two, I started a new company called the authoritycocom and what that does is help business owners grow and market their businesses using this idea of authority. And remember, authority is being an expert and an influencer, having a special knowledge in some topic usually your business and then being able to market yourself or influence, persuade others ethically that what you do or what you have as a service is of value to them. So please check out theauthoritycocom if you are a small business and interested to know more about how you can use your authority to market and grow your business. Now you can find this podcast on all the usual places. I mean you're obviously listening right now or watching YouTube is the video side of things and everywhere else, apple Podcasts et cetera, is for the audio. I do have a request straight away is to please subscribe or like right now. That way it's going to help with everything on that backside of growing this podcast and getting more value. I've also created a Facebook page called Questioning Authority Podcast to share extra stuff like behind the scenes footage, bloopers etc. You know, go check it out, like that page as well if you're interested.

Scott Vatcher:

Now I will occasionally ask you to participate with me by completing some online quizzes on different topics during the podcasts. So if you hear something in a podcast episode about a quiz, you'll be able to find that link in the show notes so that you can click the link, take the quiz and get the results if that is a quiz that you're interested in doing. Generally speaking, there's going to be one to two episodes per week. One will be an interview-based episode, obviously, where I have a guest on and we discuss a topic, and a second one likely periodically or occasionally. I'll do some monologues. I've done some in the past in other podcasts and I've quite enjoyed doing that too. These could be about new and interesting topics that I can't find somebody to interview, but I just want to get the information out there. A book review or a chapter review within a book that I think could be exceptionally helpful for you as a small business owner, an exciting update about the podcast or something going on.

Scott Vatcher:

Or in areas of what I call mindset matters, and that's areas that hold us back with such things as cognitive bias or psychological fallacies, and we all, as small business owners, sometimes fall prey to these. Now you might not even know what those things mean, but basically ideas around our mindset and how it can hold us back in business and in life. So again, thank you for listening so far. Whether this is your very first episode you've listened. Now you have an idea of what you're going to listen to, moving forward or you've made your way all the way back from wherever you started to now.

Scott Vatcher:

Again, thank you for listening. It helps the show more than you know to get bigger and better guests to interview and provide even more value. So remember, please like or subscribe so that we can grow together. And now on with the show. Thanks for listening to this episode of Questioning Authority. I hope you enjoyed the show. Stay tuned for the next one coming out soon. This episode has been brought to you by the Authority Co. Helping service providers increase authority and revenue. Check out theauthorityco. com for more info.